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Hair Loss Unveiled

Why it Happens and What You Can Do?

 As we age, it's common for our hair to thin, often during the resting (telogen) phase. Typically, lost hairs are replaced as the follicles transition back into the growth (anagen) phase. External factors like heat, UV radiation, as well as internal factors such as genetics and oxidative stress, can disrupt the hair cycle, primarily by shortening the growth (anagen) phase and keeping it in the resting phase, impeding the growth of new hair.

However, the bio-active compounds in our Tea Tree and Ginkgo Biloba extracts inhibits hair follicle miniaturization, resulting in prolonged growth phases that enhance hair density, length, and thickness.

Scalp irritation is also a well-known factor contributing to hair loss. To fight against it, we have enriched our product with potent antioxidants and highly effective anti-inflammatory compounds. These meticulously selected ingredients not only support scalp health but also bolster hair strength and vitality. By doing so, HAIR+ stimulates hair growth and decreases hair loss, delivering clinically visible results.

Statistics on Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common issue affecting both men and women. Around 40% of men experience noticeable hair loss (alopecia) by age 35, increasing to 65% by age 60. Women are also significantly affected, with 50 to 75% experiencing noticeable hair loss by age 65. Hair loss can profoundly impact self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Preventing hair loss with HAIR+

Hair loss is not an inevitable fate. Early intervention plays a crucial role in preventing and addressing hair loss. Understanding the science behind hair growth and using HAIR+ can help you maintain healthy and vibrant hair.